Seeds - 种子
aurumspeak x the palace museum - 丈四笔 x 故宫博物院
AurumSpeak 5 Years Anniversary - 丈四笔五周年展
The so-called seeds are not limited to just plants and animals which are generally known as living bodies. Everything in the world has seeds, and stones are the seeds of the earth. - 所谓种子,不止于植物和动物此类人们常说的有生命体。世间万物皆有种子,而石头就是大地的种子。生物分界一般以一万年前为界限,一万年前的生物为古生物,一万年前以后的为现生生物。化石,是经过外界演变的一万年前的地球的种子。

AurumSpeak 5 Years Anniversary - 丈四笔五周年展
We are excited to present our 2019 new collection "Gem-free" after the end of Chinese New Year holiday. Look forward to it. In sharp contrast to all the designs in the “Seed” exhibition, designs without any gem will give you a profound gem-like visual appeal. - 2019年新款“无宝石系列”将在春节假期结束后为大家全面呈现,敬请期待。与这次“种子”展览其他所有款式形成了强烈的对比,没有任何宝石的应用却可以在视觉上有深刻的宝石感受。