Common classics collection - 常规经典款
Personalized and Custom Jewelry collection - 私人定制款
The Sole Designer - 我们唯一的设计师

Founder/Designer of AurumSpeak - 丈四笔金饰创办人,设计师,手做人
Feng Jia was born in November 1983, in Beijing. - 1983年11月出生于北京。
As her major was Stage Design, Feng Jia has been engaged in traditional theatre performances, fashion show stage design and graphic design for years. After the establishment of the Dainty Bistro, a sophisticated piano bar restaurant, in 2009, Feng Jia had gradually cut back on the hours at the stage design. - 因就学时学习舞美专业,毕业后从事多年传统舞台戏剧、时尚舞台设计以及平面设计。2009年创办丹瑅小馆后逐渐减少舞美设计工作。
In 2013, Feng Jia officially set up the AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio and began to learn traditional craftsmanship such as metalwork, enamel and lacquer from Chinese, Belgian and French masters. - 2013年正式成立丈四笔金饰设计工作室并开始师从于中国、比利时、法国巨匠学习金工、珐琅、大漆等传统工艺。
Upholding the traditional craft concept of "one craftsman in one workshop", all AurumSpeak's works are designed and produced by the designer herself, avoiding high-volume production of a single piece. Feng Jia is now running the AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio in Beijing. - 坚持一匠一铺的传统工艺理念,丈四笔出品的所有作品均由个人设计以及参与制作,拒绝大量重复生产单品。于北京经营丈四笔金饰设计工作室至今。
Exhibitions over the Years - 这些年的展览
Collaborated Projects - 合作过的项目

Universe Auspicious Bead - 乾坤吉祥珠
China Construction Bank/Palace Museum Bao Yun Building jointly Published - 中国建设银行/故宫博物院宝蕴楼 合作发行
God of Roads Octagram Prayer Bead - 路神八方平安珠
Lunisolar Five Phases Prayer Bead - 日月五行平安珠
Authorized and produced by Yonghe Temple and exclusively available at China Construction Bank - 由雍和宫授权监制,中国建设银行独家发售

The Beast - 野兽派
Some of the AurumSpeak common series are cooperatively sold on the online platforms and offline stores of the Beast. - 丈四笔部分常规款式在野兽派官方平台及实体店进行合作销售。
DNOVA partnered with AurumSpeak to launch a collection of classic black diamond inlayed pieces. - DNOVA与丈四笔合作推出了一系列经典黑钻镶嵌饰品。

Weibo - 官方微博
AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室
WeChat Official Account/Video Account - 微信公众平台/视频号
AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio - 丈四笔设计工作室
The only Taobao store - 唯一淘宝店铺
AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室
TikTok - 抖音号
Goldsmith Master Feng - 打金的冯师傅
Website - 官网