Its name carries the simplicity the design studio promises.The character 丈 has 4 strokes: 一 (horizontal), 丨(vertical), 丿(left-falling stroke), 乀(right-falling stroke). Together, they form the foundation of Chinese penmanship. Yet, with these simple strokes, one of the world's most complex languages is formed. Likewise, the beauty of the jewelry from Aurum Speak comes from a basic principle. All gold is molded into a variety of hardness, which leads to a multitude of styles…… - 丈者,长也。借意由所谓四笔丈字,为:一,丨,丿,乀 所组合而成,为中国文字的起始四笔也是最重要的四笔。所有出自丈四笔金饰设计工作室中首饰系列的所有作品均采用黄金制作。我们采取独特简洁的设计理念,始终呼应着起始四笔所意味的简单纯粹的性质特点,在尊重严谨传统的基础上添加现代概念碰撞,数款已申请专利的样式及锁扣,提供以针对个人不同要求提供独特搭配以及尺寸调整,并提供为贵客完成任何可实现款式要求的设计和制作,心愿成就独一无二的个人订制服务。

Born in Beijing in Nov. 1983. - 1983年11月出生于北京。
Aurum Speak Jewellery Design Studio’s creator. - 丈四笔金饰创办人,设计师,手做人。
Jewellery Designer and craftswomam of Aurum Speak. - 坚持一匠一铺的传统工艺理念,丈四笔出品的所有作品均由个人设计以及参与制作,拒绝大量重复生产单品。
"I am lucky, because I devote all." - "我很幸运,因为我努力。"
“I, am everything.” - “我,就是一切。”

Aurum Speak Design Studio swears lives up to its heritage, a traditional Chinese workshop, a "One shop, one crafter." It will not establish any branch offices or chain stores. Everything is centrally carefully crafted in their headquarters in China. Anyone can walk into their studio to witness the magic of their craftsmen working, pouring, molding, and polishing the gold to bring out its beauty. - 丈者,长也。借意由所谓四笔丈字,为:一,丨,丿,乀 所组合而成,为中国文字的起始四笔也是最重要的四笔。所有出自丈四笔金饰设计工作室中首饰系列的所有作品均采用黄金制作。我们采取独特简洁的设计理念,始终呼应着起始四笔所意味的简单纯粹的性质特点,在尊重严谨传统的基础上添加现代概念碰撞,数款已申请专利的样式及锁扣,提供以针对个人不同要求提供独特搭配以及尺寸调整,并提供为贵客完成任何可实现款式要求的设计和制作,心愿成就独一无二的个人订制服务。

Grandma - 姥姥
Jia‘s Grandma - 重慈
" Years do not only depict the traces of youth, but also accumulate the beauty of the time. My heart is consistent, insistent and persistent. " - " 岁月并不只会刻画青春的痕迹,而是沉淀岁月的美。我的内心始终如一,坚定,坚持。"

The Allure - 美人儿
Jia’s Mom - 妈妈
"I am a mother and I still look amazing. My daughter has given me the greatest pride. To me, everyday is extremely wonderful innermost feelings." - " 母亲风采依然,女儿给了我最大的骄傲,日常予我,便是内心无比的精彩。"

Nora - 可可
Jia’s Daughter - 女儿可可
" I am growing. I am blossoming. You see my beauty, but you cannot see my stubborn heart. I am always the unique one whose wisdom stand out much more than the beauty." - " 我在成长,我在绽放。你们看到了我的美,却看不到我内心的倔强。我始终是独一无二的我,智慧比美更多的我。"

Sarah - 沐沐
Jia’s Daughter - 女儿沐沐
" I am a bit singular. Although I am still a child, I prefer to have wisdom. I am curious about everything in this world." - " 我有些古怪,虽然我还是个孩子,但我更喜欢拥有智慧,我对这个世界的一切都充满了好奇。"
Young - 漾
Jia’s Son - 儿子漾
" My life has just begun. I'm witnessing the world with my growth, my opinion, my point of view, and my feelings. It's pure, simple, and always there. " - " 我的人生刚刚开始,我用我的成长目击这个世界,我的看法,我的角度,我的感受。纯洁,简单,如一。"

Qi Li - 李
Famous Photographer - 知名摄影师
" I record the life, the growth, and every moment of everyone. I use every record to record my life. " - " 我记录生活,记录成长,记录每个人的每一刻。我用每一次记录,来记录我的人生。"
TAI - 邰
Master of Make up - 职业化妆师
" I can make everyone change their initial appearance, but I can not change their heart, just as my heart never changes." - " 我可以让每个人改变他们最初的样子,但我无法改变他们的内心,正如我的内心从不会改变。"

Welcome to the AurumSpeak Exhibition, where tradition meets modern creativity in a breathtaking collection that celebrates the timeless beauty of gold. - 欢迎来到“丈四笔”展览,这里传统与现代创意交相辉映,呈现一系列精美作品,礼赞黄金这一珍贵金属的永恒之美。

Intertwined by Fate - 缠
Between Intention and Serendipity - 有意无意之间 / 随缘相缠

Seeds - 种 子
Aurumspeak x The palace museum - 丈四笔 x 故宫博物院