Jia Feng - 冯佳
Born in Beijing in Nov. 1983. - 丈四笔金饰创办人,设计师,手做人。
Aurum Speak Jewellery Design Studio’s creator. Jewellery Designer and craftswomam of Aurum Speak. - 1983年11月出生于北京。
She was major in stage art in college, and she had been working on traditional stage drama, fashion stage design and graphic design for many years after graduation. - 因就学时学习舞美专业,毕业后从事多年传统舞台戏剧、时尚舞台设计以及平面设计。
In the year 2009, Dainty Bistro, her first restaurant and bar was established, then she gradually reduced her stage art design work. - 2009年创办丹瑅小馆后逐渐减少舞美设计工作。
In the year 2013, Aurum Speak Jewellery Design Studio was established and she began to follow some great masters to learn metalworking, enamel, lacquer and some other traditonal crafts. These great masters are from China, Belgium and France. - 2013年正式成立丈四笔金饰设计工作室并开始师从于中国、比利时、法国巨匠学习金工、珐琅、大漆等传统工艺。
Aurum Speak Jewellery Design Studio swears lives up to its heritage, a traditional Chinese workshop, a "One shop, one crafter." It will not establish any branch offices or chain stores. All the Aurum-Speak things are designed and partly produced by Jia Feng. She refuses to produce large amount of repetiton. - 坚持一匠一铺的传统工艺理念,丈四笔出品的所有作品均由个人设计以及参与制作,拒绝大量重复生产单品。
She has been working in Aurum Speak Jewellery Design Studio up to now. - 于北京经营丈四笔金饰设计工作室至今。
Personal exhibition - 个人展览:
Screw Sep. 2014 798Arts District - 《螺丝》2014年9月北京798艺术区。
Screw Dec.2014 Pile up Gallery Shanghai. - 《螺丝》2014年12月上海叠美术馆。
Seed Nov.2018 Beijing Palace. Museum. - 《种子》2018年11月北京故宫博物院。
Seed Jan.2019 Beijing Nali Patio. - 《种子》2019年1月北京那里花园。