Keep You And Yours Safe Throughout The Day - 平安守护,吉庆福康

At the beginning of the new year, 2021, the Aurum Speak Design Studio is honored to present these two prayer beads fully loaded with blessings: God of Roads Octagram Prayer Bead and Lunisolar Five Phrases Prayer Bead. - 2021新年伊始之际,丈四笔金饰设计工作室特别为您呈现满载祝福的两款平安珠:路神八方平安珠和日月五行平安珠。

God of Roads Octagram Prayer Bead: Road to Fortune, road to Affluence, road to Longevity, road to Happiness, road to Wealth, connecting fortune, affluence, longevity, happiness and wealth. It's our Lucky God, Auspicious God and Guardian God. - 路神八方平安珠:福路、禄路、寿路、喜路、财路,连着福缘、禄缘、寿缘、喜缘、财缘,我们的“幸运神”、“吉祥神”、“保护神”。

As four seasons fill the measure of the year, may your journey to a fulfilling life be safe. - 四季更替,八方平安。祈愿健康,福寿绵长。

May you be blessed with good health, prosperity, happiness and longevity. - 日月五行平安珠,“金”寓意健康长寿,“木”寓意仁爱庄严,“水”寓意洁净宽容,“火”寓意含蓄细腻,“土”寓意诚实温厚。

The Lunisolar Five Phases Prayer Bead. The "Five Phases" are "Gold", meaning health and longevity, "Wood", meaning benevolence and solemnity, "Water", meaning cleanness and tolerance, "Fire", meaning subtleness and delicateness, and "Earth", meaning honesty and kindness. - 五行具备,则平安健康、姻缘美满、财运亨通、步步高升,生生不息。

The whole set of the five phases brings safety and health, good marriage, prosperous wealth, all the success, and endless prosperity.Both prayer beads are available in 24K and 18K purity, and 1.2cm and 1.4cm in diameter. Open-worked and solid pieces sure put a cherry on the top. - 两款平安珠均有24K黄金款和18K黄金款可以定制,大小又有直径1.2厘米款和1.4厘米可供选择,工艺亦有镂空款和不镂空款为您锦上添花。

As the New Year is approaching, the Prayer Bead series is available at the only Aurum Speak store on Taobao. Don't discount the role of good luck. For our whole-hearted wishes and blessings, please contact the customer service. - 新年将至,平安珠系列已登录我们唯一淘宝店铺。好运不打折,请联系我们的客服为您呈现我们全部的心意和祝福!