• Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫
  • Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫
  • Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫
  • Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫
  • Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫
  • Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫
  • Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫
  • Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫
  • Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫
  • Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫

Loving Commitment - 相濡以沫

A pair of private customized couple necklaces designed by the AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链对链。

Every person is looking for a love at first sight that can last a lifelong time, but how to survive the decades of companionship? - 每个人都期待一见钟情白首偕老的爱情,之间那相伴的数十年岁月,又是如何度过。

After the intense, passionate beginning of love, things settle down, and a deep bond begins to form. You are building a life together and thinking the world of each other. - 轰轰烈烈的恋爱之后是细水长流的平静,生命里,最重要的只有彼此。

When two souls become one, there is nothing else but yearning to be close to the other. Your love for each other is so deep that you wish for eternal life. - 真心陪伴在一个人身边,灵魂合二为一,彼此相濡以沫,只愿此生无尽。

Put on each other's surnames, you are in my heart and in my life. - 戴上彼此的姓氏,你就在我的心里,生命里。

All 18K gold, with red and blue enamel, handmade. - 全部18K金,红、蓝珐琅,手工制作。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by @冯大佳子