• You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳
  • You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳

You're the Sun of My Life - 你是我生命中的太阳

A private customized necklace specially designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

A married couple with the same surname sees each other as the sun in life. They have countless sweet memories of the past and unlimited expectations. - 一对夫妻,互为彼此生命中的太阳,他们有相同的姓氏,他们有无数美好的过往,他们有无限值得的期待。

They will have a wonderful journey filled with joy. They will build a beautiful life hand in hand. They will be happy together forever. It's their very own anniversary, the memory of lifetime love. - 平安,开心,不离不弃,互相陪伴,永远幸福在一起。他们专属的纪念日,永生的美好记忆。

Blue is their favorite color. The Morse code whispers their happiness. The necklace is a gift from him to her, bearing all the good wishes. - 蓝色是他们最喜欢的颜色,摩尔斯密码诉说他们的幸福,一条寄托了所有美好祝愿的项链,他送给她的礼物。

The necklace features two kinds of gold and is handmade. - 项链采用双金设计,手工制作。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子

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