Your First Name with My Last Name - 你的名字,我的姓氏
A pair of private customized couple necklaces designed by the AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链对链。
The mother's love is as deep as the sea, summing up the enormous amount of love she has for her child all along the way. The necklace is a wedding gift from a mother. - 母爱如海,充斥在孩子成长生活中的点点滴滴。这对项链是一位母亲送给孩子的结婚礼物。
The girl's surname "Ma" and the boy's first name "Yi" are designed into a pair of necklaces, and the pendant part could be integrated into one, just as the mother asked for. - 女孩儿的姓氏“马”,男孩儿的名字“毅”,用这两个字设计成一对项链,吊坠部分又可以合二为一融为一体,是母亲的心愿。
The two characters, written in traditional Chinese, have a part that can be fused together. The designer adopted a unique character-lock design that allows the two pendants to be snapped together as well as worn separately. - 两个字的繁体写法,有一部分可以融合在一起,设计师采用了独一无二的字锁设计,让两个吊坠可以扣合在一起,又可以分别佩戴。
A woman is like water, giving the broadest toleration in marriage. A man is like a mountain, making it his mission to make a commitment and take responsibility. With mutual reinforcement in every sphere of life, hard to the core and soft to the touch, they will make a happy and long-lasting marriage. - 女子如水,在婚姻中给予最宽广的包容。男子如山,承担与责任是他的义不容辞。刚柔并济相辅相成,这样的婚姻美满长久。
The pendants feature two kinds of gold and are handmade. - 吊坠采用双金设计,手工制作。
Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子