Yin and Yang in Motion, Flying Dragon in the Sky - 阴阳旋转,飞龙在天
The Aurumspeak Design Studio offers a custom designed pendant tailored exclusively for clients. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款吊坠。
A friend of the designer custom-ordered a pendant with special significance, symbolizing blessings and protection. - 设计师的好友为自己特别订制的一枚蕴含特殊意义的吊坠,吉祥保佑。
The dragon's head, crafted from 24K gold, is dignified and majestic, with intricate lines vividly portraying the dragon's profile. A touch of green enamel adds the finishing touch, bringing the design to life. - 24K黄金打造的龙头部分,威严肃穆,极其精致的线条将龙头的轮廓刻画的惟妙惟肖,而一抹绿色珐琅的点缀更是画龙点睛。
The sun and moon, crafted from 18K gold, represent the union of heaven and earth, allowing the dragon’s head to rotate 360 degrees freely, creating an impressive and grand design. - 18K黄金打造的日、月,天地衔接,令整个龙头可以360度任意转动,恢弘壮阔。
The gold expresses all the blessings of good fortune with utmost precision. Yin and Yang rotate, the sun and moon connect, and the dragon soars in the sky. Everything will be infinitely wonderful. - 黄金将所有吉祥祝福诉说的淋漓尽致,阴阳旋转,日月衔接,飞龙在天。一切都将无限美好。
The pendant is crafted using a dual gold design and is handmade. - 双金设计,手工制作。
Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子