• Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生
  • Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生

Wisdom in Life - 智慧人生

AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio creates individually designed custom necklaces for a cherished client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链

The designer's friend, an exceptionally talented and wise woman, inspired this deeply meaningful necklace. - 设计师的好友,一个天赋异禀的智慧型女人,这是一条专属她的寓意深刻的项链。

The pendant is a miniature version of the human brain, perfectly capturing its structure and contours within a delicate space. - 吊坠是人类大脑的缩小版,在精致的空间中,完整体现了大脑的构造和轮廓。

The person wearing it possesses extraordinary energy, with her mind, heart, and spirit providing countless people with help, inspiration, and healing. - 佩戴它的人,拥有超乎常人的能量,她的头脑、她的心与灵,给予了无数人帮助、启迪与治愈。

May her life be as pure, bright, and beautiful as gold! - 也祝愿她的人生如黄金般纯粹、闪亮、美好!

The pendant is handmade using 24K gold. - 吊坠采用24K黄金,手工制作。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子