When the jade met the gold - 玉结金缘
The Aurumspeak design studio designed this privately customized pendant for the customer individually. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款吊坠。
The customer has the jade tag, with two delicate engraving Chinese characters on it, “德” and “义”. They represent the virtue and righteous. Along the jade original cloud pattern, the gold wrapper was designed to fit the shape of Jade. The jade was bonded with the gold, secured by the wrapper, which leaves an open end, to presenting the pretty pattern on the jade clearly. - 客人受自父母的一块玉牌,细致雕琢的“德”“义”二字,顺延玉牌固有的祥云纹路,与金结缘,为金保护,下端镂空,玉石的原貌呈现的清晰自然。
The golden wrapper was partially made of 18K gold, and fully handmade. The jade tag was provided by the customer. - 包金部分全部18K金,手工制作。玉牌由客人提供。