• Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!
  • Welcome to Our Planet!

Welcome to Our Planet!

A private customized pendant specially designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款吊坠。

The story of the rare and precious amber with a flying ant inside is intriguing. Its spherical shape is a testament to the natural beauty of the piece that has formed over time. - 这是一颗球形的琥珀,在随着时间形成的过程中内部封印了一只飞蚂蚁,罕见而珍贵。

The intended recipient of the pendant is a slightly traditional yet talented man. The designer's goal for this particular pendant was to create something truly unique, breaking away from traditional designs. - 琥珀的主人是一位略显传统又才华横溢的男性,设计师要为他设计一款突破传统独一无二的吊坠。

The designer, known for her angular style, incorporated sharp angles to create a distinct contrast with the roundness of the amber. This adds depth to the piece and draws the eye in to appreciate its beauty from every angle. - 设计师喜欢带有棱角的设计,这次也运用的淋漓尽致,棱角分明与琥珀本身的圆润形成强烈的冲突效果。

This piece features a fusion of futuristic elements and structured forms, imbued with a powerful tension that blends seamlessly into a unified and harmonious whole. This is design at its finest, where every aspect comes together with purpose and precision. - 各种科幻坚毅的线条,每个细节都是强烈的冲突感而又让整体显得非常默契,冥冥中注定一切本该如此。

All 18K gold. Handmade. The amber is provided by the client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。琥珀由客人提供。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子