We are Getting Married! - 我们结婚啦!!!
Private customized ring and necklace designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指、项链。
They never shared a part of life or work with each other. But they have a lot of mutual close friends, and this is where their paths cross over. - 工作生活毫无交集的两个人,却有太多真心的共同的朋友,缘分就这样越来越深。
On January 6th, they got married! Such delirious ecstasy can be felt behind the screen. It's a joy to celebrate their love. - 1月6日,他们结婚啦!隔着屏幕都能感受到的最无所顾忌最放肆的幸福,真心为他们祝福!
The rings on their hands are their exclusive secret with Morse code being the most classic indirect way of referring to the words I love you. - 手上的戒指,是专属他们的秘密,摩尔斯密码是最为经典的含蓄。
The pendants of a pair of necklaces feature the zodiac signs of the couple. They put each other in the most important position and are always the firmest support behind each other. - 一对项链,是两个人的生肖,都把对方放在最重要的位置,永远是彼此背后最坚定的支撑。
Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness. May your companionship grow sweeter with each passing year. - 真心祝福他们,白头偕老,幸福美满,就这样快乐着永不分离!
Couple Rings: 18K Gold. Necklaces are designed in two-tone gold. Handmade. - 对戒18K金,项链采用双金设计,手工制作。
Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子