• Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳
  • Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳

Warm Autumn Sun - 秋日暖阳

A private customized necklace specially designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

Our client wanted to have a high-rated diamond she owned redesigned into a necklace as a gift for herself. - 客人有一枚质地极好的钻石,想要重新设计成一条项链送给自己,充满温暖的礼物。

The unique skeleton design maximizes the beauty of the diamond, enabling an ideal reflection of the light to shape impeccable brilliance. - 独特的镂空设计,最大程度上展示了这颗钻石的美艳,各种角度都能折射进的阳光让这枚钻石看起来更加闪亮。

The diamond is sparkling in a peaceful and calm way just as the autumn comes calling and the glowing of the sun rests warm and tender on everything the eyes can see, which displays a tranquil felicity and serene beauty. - 金秋已至,阳光的暖意温柔了许多,触目所及的都是柔软的可以拥抱的美好与幸福感,正如这枚璀璨年华的钻石,平和,安静。

All 18K gold, handmade. The diamond is provided by the client. - 全部18K金,手工制作。钻石由客人提供。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子