• Tree of Life - 生命树
  • Tree of Life - 生命树
  • Tree of Life - 生命树
  • Tree of Life - 生命树
  • Tree of Life - 生命树
  • Tree of Life - 生命树
  • Tree of Life - 生命树
  • Tree of Life - 生命树
  • Tree of Life - 生命树

Tree of Life - 生命树

A private customized necklace specially designed by the AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

Life, just as a tree, grows from germination to snag, blooming into the most flamboyant state in its heyday. - 生命如树,从萌芽开始成长,直至终结,旺盛时期最美。

A tree, at its most vigorous, is taking deep root to be supportive of life and to provide shelter from wind and rain for others. - 成长在最茂盛的时期,根深蒂固,生命的支撑,也为他人遮风避雨。

A tree straightforwardly grows upwards to the sky without bowing and scraping, every branch and leaf of which is one of a kind. - 指向苍穹的耿直,不折腰,不攀附,每一个枝叶都是独一无二的自己。

The golden roots complemented by the green enamel are permitting interpretation of life with a hidden while invigorating soul. - 黄金的树根,绿色珐琅诠释着生命,还有一颗隐秘的灵动的魂。

The pendant is handmade with a combination of 18K and 24K gold. - 吊坠采用18K金和24K金结合,手工制作。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子