Three rings set: their eternal loves - 三只戒指的故事: 三生三世
2010, in a university in Dalian, there are two freshmen: he from Shanxi, she from Hangzhou. Like others' stories, the occurrence of their love is unexpected but non-stoppable. If someone weighed all the facts at the beginning of the background, distance, then what they have would not be pure love. With each other's accompanying, the three years they spend together were so fast and full of joys. When the graduation coming, her parents offered a good job in Hangzhou for her, to spare her from a hard life. On the other hand, he had to fight for everything without support from his family. For her and their future, he found a job in Anji for surviving, then moved to Hangzhou to getting close to her. To him, even just breath the same air from her city, it makes him happy. - 2010年,大连的一所大学,两个大一新生,他来自山西,她来自杭州。爱情的发生从来都是未知,亦不可控。如果有人在开始爱的时候已经想好了距离远近,门当户对,那绝不是纯粹的爱。有了你的陪伴,三年过得那么快,那么快乐。转眼毕业,她的父母在杭州给她安排了体面的工作,不用辛苦。他的家境不好,他未来的一切都要靠自己打拼。为了她,为了他们,他先在安吉找了份工作赖以谋生,几个月后辗转到了杭州,只是为了离她近一些。能呼吸同一个城市的空气,也是一种幸福。
In order to get more incomes for providing her a better future, he relocated to Guangzhou for a year. This long distance relationship made their lives even harder. For years, they experienced break-ups and reuniting, because of their families and time from time uncertainty. Fortunately, all these difficulties didn't stop the true love. Once knowing they are the ones, the increasing obstacles only makes they believe they will be together more. Finally, with all their efforts, they got a happy ending. They decide they will be with each other through their life. - 为了能有更多的收入,为了能给她一个更好的未来,他又去了广州,这一去就是一年。异地的相恋,那么难。转眼几年过去,分分合合,来自家庭的阻碍,来自偶尔疲惫的不确定。可这一切都不能阻隔真正的爱情,当你确定他/她就是你的另一半,再多的艰辛只会让彼此更加的坚信,爱,就会在一起。终于,所有的付出有了回报,当生活越发的美好,他们决定了彼此相伴一生。
Now, she is an elegant Chinese zither teacher, and he becomes a successful drummer.This is the story they told when they first contact us - 这时,她已是一位典雅的古筝老师,而他,是一位出色的鼓手。他们联系了丈四笔,把他们的故事讲给我们听。
They ordered these three rings. One is a unique diamond wedding ring, that the husband wants she still enjoy the happy moment even though he didn't get chance to propose before. A pair of marriage rings, represent their two hearts together, never separate. Since the husband is a drummer, he also wishes he can wear the ring around neck, so he will be always with this happiness. - 他们需要三枚戒指。一颗独立的钻戒,尽管没有求婚的过程,男孩儿依然要让女孩儿享受所有本该拥有的甜蜜。一对婚戒,两人心心相印,永不分离。由于男孩儿鼓手的身份,平时更多的时间希望把戒指戴在胸口,呵护这份幸福。
Hence, our designer created this set of rings based on their requests. A unique diamond wedding ring, which also can pair with her marriage ring into one. A necklace was designed for the husband, which can pair with his marriage ring, representing that the love is not only kept on his finger but also filled in his heart. - 于是,我们的设计师给了他们想要的一切。一颗独立的钻戒,又可以和女孩儿的婚戒合二为一,一起佩戴。给男孩儿单独设计的项链,完美的与他的婚戒扣合,指尖,心口,都是对她的爱恋。
With respect and fondness to our designer, they asked the designer recording their wedding ceremony, and undersea rings exchange ceremony followed by her suggestion. - 出于对我们设计师的热爱和信任,他们愿意将婚礼的纪念交付于她,跟随她去海下的世界交换戒指并请她为他们拍下过程。
Everything has a perfect beginning. - 一切都是最美的开始。