• They - Ta们 - aurumspeak
  • They - Ta们 - aurumspeak
  • They - Ta们 - aurumspeak
  • They - Ta们 - aurumspeak
  • They - Ta们 - aurumspeak
  • They - Ta们 - aurumspeak

They - Ta们


The Aurumspeak design studio designed this privately customized ring, necklace set for the customer individually. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指、项链。

They are in love, who take care each other every day and feel the warmth of each other's love all the time. The identical design of the ring and the necklace pendant will be around the neck or the finger of them. This set of ring and necklace symbolizes the story which only belongs to them, about the deep, endless love they have. - 相爱的Ta和Ta,心口的温度,指端的守候。一样的形状,展于心或绕指柔。这样的一对戒指和项链,记录了那段只属于Ta们的传说,深情终长久。

Both ring and necklace were handmade in 18K gold. The two layers design displays a special effect, representing these two same but unique lovers. - 全部18K金,双层不同的效果,一样也不一样的两个人。

Handmade - 手工制作。