There is gold in the book - 书中自有黄金
Special Edition for the 'Entanglement' Art Exhibition - 《缠》艺术展特别款
The Aurumspeak Design Studio specially designed and created a gold bookmark for the Entanglement Art Exhibition (2024.05.09 to 05.21, Shanghai). - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为《缠》艺术展(2024.0509 至 05.21,上海)特别设计制作的黄金书签。
“Entanglement” The joint art exhibition of Jing Xu and Jia Feng was successfully held in Shanghai this May. This exhibition perfectly combined the calligraphy works of calligrapher Jing Xu and the gold jewelry designs of The Aurumspeak designer Jia Feng. - 《缠》许静与冯佳联合艺术展于今年5月在上海成功举办,这次展览是书法家许静老师的书法作品与丈四笔金饰设计工作室设计师冯佳的黄金饰品完美结合的一次展览。
A bookmark is an object that every reader can't live without but often overlooks, and sometimes it suddenly disappears. A book and a bookmark are intertwined, living in mutual dependence. - 书签,每一个读书人都无法离弃却又会经常视而不见的物件,更有时会突然不知去向。书与书签,你中有我,我中有你,相依而生。
Turning flat calligraphy into a three-dimensional bookmark results from the perfect combination of Jing Xu's ink treasures and the ingenuity of The Aurumspeak designer, Jia Feng. - 而将平面的书法,演变成立体的书签,是这次展览中许静老师的墨宝与丈四笔设计师冯佳的独具匠心完美结合的作品。
Within a small space, the layers of gold interpret the rhythm of the strokes, combining carefree boldness with meticulous precision. The aesthetic and solemnity during reading breaks are vividly captured. - 方寸之间,用黄金的层次诠释了行笔的气韵,飞扬洒脱狂傲不羁与严丝合缝兼收并蓄,读书间歇时的美感与庄重,淋漓尽致。
There may not be a mansion of gold in every book, but this perfect golden bookmark certainly pleases the eye and adds value to the reading experience. - 书中不一定有黄金屋,但是这样完美的黄金书签确实可以让人赏心悦目、读之有物。
Entirely handmade in 18K gold. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。
The calligraphy is by Xu Jing. - 书法为许静老师作品。
Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子