• The wish from father - 父亲的心意 - aurumspeak
  • The wish from father - 父亲的心意 - aurumspeak
  • The wish from father - 父亲的心意 - aurumspeak
  • The wish from father - 父亲的心意 - aurumspeak
  • The wish from father - 父亲的心意 - aurumspeak
  • The wish from father - 父亲的心意 - aurumspeak

The wish from father - 父亲的心意


The Aurumspeak design studio designed this privately customized necklace for the customer individually. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

"This jade stone is a gift from my father, who likes to give me a present like this every a few years. He always wants me to wear it more often, while I started to appreciate them not like the rejecting at the beginning when I getting older." - “这块翡翠是来自父亲的礼物,父亲每隔几年就会送个类似的礼物,希望常常佩戴。而我也从小时候的排斥抵触,慢慢变成了接纳欣赏。”

Just like the growing path of each child, from the rebelling of the young to the obeying as a grown up, the mind would eventually understand the love behind all the parenting. - 正如每一个孩子的成长,青春的叛逆,成熟后的顺从,因为年龄的增长,懂得了真正的爱。

The whole necklace was handmade in 18K gold, and the jade was provided by the customer. - 全部18K金,手工制作。翡翠由客人提供。