• The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事 - aurumspeak
  • The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事 - aurumspeak
  • The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事 - aurumspeak
  • The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事 - aurumspeak
  • The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事 - aurumspeak
  • The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事 - aurumspeak
  • The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事 - aurumspeak
  • The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事 - aurumspeak
  • The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事 - aurumspeak

The story between Big S and Little Z - 大S和小Z的故事


Little Z, a sensitive ICU lady doctor, has germophobia and a lot of tattoos, who is Sagittarius.Big S, a casual athletic lady entrepreneur has OCD but no tattoo, who is Aquarius. - 小Z,一个敏感的有洁癖的有很多纹身的ICU女医生,射手座。大S,一个大大咧咧的有强迫症的没有纹身的的运动型女创业者,水瓶座。

They both share the fondness for the simple stylized stuff, and both have favorite numbers as 1,2,4. They have been together for three months. On Little Z's birthday, Big S wanted to send her a gift to memorize their hard-earned love, to encourage them to keep together forever. This is a serious relationship, simple without flashing. "It's enough that we just have each other". Their both names and the three numbers were designed into minimalist lines, which makes a perfect combination of their exclusive necklaces. The day of picking up, we put the necklaces on them by hand, and they promised they would never take them off. - 共同点:喜欢简单的有风格的东西。还有,共同的三个数字,1、2、4。两个女生,在一起三个月,小Z的生日,大S要送给她一份礼物,为这来之不易的爱情,为了一起,一直,走下去。这是认真的爱情,简单,不需要炫耀,我们存在彼此之间,足矣。两人的名字与数字构成的极简线条完美组合成只属于她们的项链。那一天,我们亲手为她们佩戴好,她们说不再摘下。

The whole design was handmade in 18K gold. - 全部18K金,手工制作。