• The love to the mother from her heart - 母爱如心 - aurumspeak
  • The love to the mother from her heart - 母爱如心 - aurumspeak
  • The love to the mother from her heart - 母爱如心 - aurumspeak
  • The love to the mother from her heart - 母爱如心 - aurumspeak
  • The love to the mother from her heart - 母爱如心 - aurumspeak
  • The love to the mother from her heart - 母爱如心 - aurumspeak
  • The love to the mother from her heart - 母爱如心 - aurumspeak
  • The love to the mother from her heart - 母爱如心 - aurumspeak

The love to the mother from her heart - 母爱如心


The Aurumspeak design studio designed this privately customized necklace for the customer individually. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

It is an irregular shape pearl, like a beating heart, symbolizing the love and life. The daughter wants to make a necklace with it, for her beloved mother. In one of the angles, the pearl looks like a mellow chicken. Coincidentally, her mother's Chinese zodiac is also chicken. The wish from the daughter is making her mother happy, that is our goal to pursue. - 一枚异形珍珠,像一颗跳动的心脏,爱与生命的全部。女儿要把它做成一条项链,送给自己深爱的母亲。另一个角度,又似一只柔和慈祥的鸡,机缘巧合,母亲的生肖恰好是鸡。女儿的心意,母亲的快乐。我们心愿成就这样的美好。

The delicate design fulfilled both ideas, making the daughter's wish come true. One side is like a beating heart, another side is a lifelike chicken, just as her mother's zodiac. The love between mother and daughter, inheriting from the life, is one of the beauties of the world. - 设计师的精妙设计,一举两得,实现了女儿的愿望。一面是生生不息跳动的心脏,一面是栩栩如生母亲的生肖。母女情深,生命与爱的延续。世间美好如此。

The whole necklace was handmade in 18K gold. The pearl was provided by the customer. - 全部18K金,手工制作。珍珠由客人提供。

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