• The love start from the heart and reach to the finger - 爱从心口到指端 - aurumspeak
  • The love start from the heart and reach to the finger - 爱从心口到指端 - aurumspeak
  • The love start from the heart and reach to the finger - 爱从心口到指端 - aurumspeak
  • The love start from the heart and reach to the finger - 爱从心口到指端 - aurumspeak
  • The love start from the heart and reach to the finger - 爱从心口到指端 - aurumspeak
  • The love start from the heart and reach to the finger - 爱从心口到指端 - aurumspeak
  • The love start from the heart and reach to the finger - 爱从心口到指端 - aurumspeak
  • The love start from the heart and reach to the finger - 爱从心口到指端 - aurumspeak

The love start from the heart and reach to the finger - 爱从心口到指端


The Aurumspeak design studio designed this privately customized ring for the customer individually. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指。

The customer has such pendant, with a combination of a black pearl and a diamond. It is a gift from her husband, which she always feels not her style. That's why we were asked to make a new ring. The need for her job, the quality of being a mother, is gentle, careful and sophisticated. - 客人有这样一个项链吊坠,黑珍珠与钻石的结合,是她先生送给她的礼物。只是总感觉不太适合自己,不够喜欢。于是,有了这枚戒指的故事。职业的需要,成为人母的细腻,圆润,没有棱角。

A woman in her thirties, mature, professional, calm, that is the current her, that she wanted the designer make the design based on. When the customer gets the ring, she was very happy and going to order a customized necklace from us. Making the customers happy is one way to prove our existence. - 女人三十,成熟,干练,稳重,设计师用一枚戒指诠释了她的当下。客人收到这枚戒指非常满意,正在委托我们再为自己订制一条项链。成就别人的美好,体现我们的存在。    

The whole ring was handmade in 18K gold. The black pearl and diamond were provided by the customer. - 戒指全部18K金,手工制作,黑珍珠和钻石由客人提供。

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