• The Fair Love - aurumspeak
  • The Fair Love - aurumspeak

The Fair Love - 公平的爱


This necklace is a customized special order for clients, made by AurumSpeak. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

The family of four, the mother is the greatest so the letter is the largest, then it comes to father’s size. The other same size duo is for two kids, the brother and sister. Equally, both parents give them the same love. This is what a family about. - 一家四口,母爱最伟大,字也最大,父亲其次。一双儿女,一对小姐弟,不分轻重,没有远近,父母给予他们最平等的爱。幸福的生活,不过如此。

Letter Pendant is made of 24K gold. Engraved letters are hand sketched by the designer. Match with #3 basic chain - 字坠部分24K金,字体全部为设计师手绘。搭配丈四笔3号素链。