• Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记
  • Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记

Stamped with Your Mark - 印上你的印记

A private customized bracelet specially designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款手链。

The delicate birthmark on the baby's wrist is like a heavenly message from above. Its cloud like shape exudes an aura of auspiciousness and represents the highest hopes of the family for good fortune, joy, and a life filled with beauty. - 宝宝手腕上的胎记,像极了祥瑞的云气,带来了吉祥、喜庆、一家的幸福愿望以及对生命美好的向往。

The mother wants to replicate the pattern of the child's auspicious clouds on a bracelet. She intends to use the name of the baby who has made her the happiest mum in the world to create the design. - 妈妈要做一条手链送给自己,按照这祥云形状胎记的轮廓,还有让妈妈最幸福的名字。

The intricate design, featuring a hollowed-out auspiciousness and smooth finish, will encircle her wrist, beating in harmony with her heart. And with Morse code, it will signify their unique bond and exclusive happiness that they share. - 镂空的吉祥如意,婉转流畅,缠绕在妈妈的手腕,感受她的心跳,彼此心意相通。摩尔斯密码诠释了专属他们的幸福。

All 18K gold, handmade. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子