• Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)
  • Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)
  • Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)
  • Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)
  • Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)
  • Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)
  • Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)
  • Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)
  • Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)

Smiling Tooth Fairy (baby tooth necklace) - 牙仙子的笑脸(乳牙项链)

A private customized necklace specially designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

The mother wanted to have her 5½-year-old little girl's first lost baby teeth designed to a necklace as a gift. - 五岁半的小女孩儿掉落的第一颗乳牙,妈妈要做成项链送给她。

Losing baby teeth marks a milestone of the unconscious growth. - 成长,不知不觉,换牙,是里程碑式的见证。

The happy and brave baby girl likes Tooth Fairy. Her mother encased all her love and blessing in this necklace. - 喜欢牙仙子的小女孩儿,快乐勇敢,妈妈把爱与祝福都融入了这条项链。

May the little girl grow healthy and happy. - 真心祝福她健康、快乐的长大!

All 18K gold, handmade. The baby tooth is provided by the client. - 全部18K金,手工制作。乳牙由客人提供。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子

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