• She is her own Champion
  • She is her own Champion
  • She is her own Champion
  • She is her own Champion
  • She is her own Champion
  • She is her own Champion
  • She is her own Champion
  • She is her own Champion
  • She is her own Champion
  • She is her own Champion

She is her own Champion

Aurumspeak Design Studio custom-designed pendant for a client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款吊坠。

A long-time friend of the designer had a very high-quality wisdom tooth extracted and wanted to make a pendant for herself. - 设计师多年的好友,拔下了一颗非常优质的智齿,想要做成吊坠送给自己。

She is a very unique and unconventional girl, always filled with novelty and excitement in life. She can take care of her family while being completely independent and loves and excels at various sports. - 这是一个非常有个性、生活中永远充满新意和刺激的特立独行的女孩儿,能够照顾好家庭又能完全自立的女孩儿,爱好并擅长各种运动。

The designer created a pendant in the shape of a trophy. The hollow parts make the overall design feel light and not oppressive. The double loops allow for free pairing with a cord or a chain, symbolizing the mystery of raising the trophy. - 设计师设计了这样一个奖杯样式的吊坠,镂空的部分让整体感觉丝毫不沉重压抑,用来自由搭配绳子或链子的双耳,也正是举起奖杯的玄妙。

The pendant is entirely handmade using 18K gold. The client provided the wisdom tooth. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。智齿由客人提供。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子

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