• Sansi - 三思 - aurumspeak
  • Sansi - 三思 - aurumspeak
  • Sansi - 三思 - aurumspeak
  • Sansi - 三思 - aurumspeak
  • Sansi - 三思 - aurumspeak

Sansi - 三思


This is a boy from Guangzhou, who lose everything and moved 600 miles to Haining for living with a girl he loves. - 一个广东广州的男孩儿,为了自己心爱的姑娘,放弃了安稳的工作和生活,来到了1000公里外的浙江海宁,只为了能够与她此生厮守。

To maintain a relationship, people not only need the help of the destiny but also persistence for their love.'I never regret the things I gave up for being with her, and I know I will be happy if we can spend our lives together in the future', He said. - 两个人在一起需要缘分,更多的是对爱的执着与坚持。他说,“我至今从没有后悔过为了和她在一起所放弃的所有,我只觉得未来拥有彼此就是最大的幸福。”

She gave herself a nickname 'Sansi', meaning 'thinking over and over again' in Chinese, but she didn't tell us why. However, we believe he is the choice she made after thinking over and over again. Today is her birthday, while she is traveling, but he cannot be with her. He put all the loves and misses of her into this ring, named also 'Sansi', so he can be always with her. - 她给自己取名“三思”,原因不得而知。我们相信至少他是她三思之后最好的选择。今天是她的生日,她在旅行。种种原因此刻他并没有陪在她的身边。他全部的爱与挂念,融入这枚叫做“三思”的戒指,守护着她。

Sansi, he wants to say to you: 'My world can be small because I only need you. My world can also be huge, so I can give you the whole universe' We wish her happy birthday, and wish them happy forever. - 三思,他有一句话想对你说:“我的世界可以很小,有你一个足矣;我的世界也可以很大,因我可以为你赢得全世界。” 祝她生日快乐,祝他们永远幸福。