Ring of the Matrix
A private customized ring designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指。
The girl with panache and toughness who commissioned the "tribute to the Pompidou Gallery" ring ordered a uniquely-designed ring with a crystal-clear brown diamond. - 那位订制过“致敬蓬皮杜”戒指的性格硬朗豪迈的女孩儿,这次希望设计师将这枚晶莹剔透的棕钻再次设计成一枚与众不同的戒指。
In order to best reveal her temperament and charisma, the designer highlights the high-tech feel of the ring through the use of architectural structure, radioactive lines, laser-like motifs and around openwork. - 为了最好的衬托女孩儿的气质,设计师运用了建筑结构、放射性线条、激光效果以及镂空环抱的方式,突出了戒指的科技感。
The ring as a whole is angular and richly layered, with openings on all sides, in the hope that the owner can have multiple response models in life and live a more exciting life. - 戒指整体棱角鲜明,层次丰富,四面八方都留有气口,希望我们在生活中也拥有与之一致的多元性应对模式,生活的更加精彩。
Being tough and soft at the same time, the girl is in complete harmony with the ring of the Matrix, being the only one for each other. - 兼具硬朗与柔美的她,全方位与这枚骇客戒指相融,都是彼此的独一无二。
All 18K gold, handmade. The brown diamond is provided by the client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。棕钻由客人提供。
Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子