• Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子
  • Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子

Reda's T. Rex and Monkey - 雷达的霸王龙和猴子

Private customized necklaces specially designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

Reda, a cute little girl, is the owner of these two baby teeth. She would like to give herself a fascinating souvenir. - 雷达是这两颗乳牙的主人,一个非常可爱的小姑娘。她要给自己一个美好的纪念。

Reda's Chinese zodiac is Monkey, and T. rex is her favorite animal. So that's what inspired the design of these two necklaces. The T. rex one is for Reda and the monkey one for her Mom. - 雷达属猴,最喜欢的动物是霸王龙。于是就有了这两条项链的设计灵感,霸王龙雷达戴,猴子送给妈妈。

The cute T. rex wraps his arms tightly around a tooth of Reda. This is what it feels like when being held tightly in the arms of your favorite one. - 萌萌的霸王龙,双手紧紧环抱着雷达的牙齿,这就是被最喜欢的人紧紧抱在怀里的感觉呀!

The perky little monkey curling his tail up incarnates that the mother has her daughter's perkiness clung to her heart. - 可爱的小猴子,尾巴卷着翘着,女儿的可爱就这样被妈妈紧紧贴在了心前。

With mom's love and the companionship of the lovely T. rex and little monkey, the baby girl is growing up healthily and happily every day. - 她在健康的长大,幸福快乐的每一天,有妈妈的关爱,有可爱的霸王龙和猴子作伴。

Both T. rex and monkey are handmade in two kinds of gold. - 霸王龙和猴子均采用双金设计,手工制作。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子