• Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事 - aurumspeak
  • Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事 - aurumspeak
  • Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事 - aurumspeak
  • Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事 - aurumspeak
  • Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事 - aurumspeak
  • Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事 - aurumspeak
  • Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事 - aurumspeak
  • Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事 - aurumspeak
  • Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事 - aurumspeak

Not every ring has a story - 不是每只戒指背后都有故事


The Aurumspeak design studio designed this privately customized ring for the customer individually. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指。

This is a gift for the customer self, without any special reason. Being unique, creating strong strokes, highlighting the embedding of the diamond, are the requirements. Making own decisions, being the one is the way to make self-happy. - 送给自己的礼物,不需要理由。独特一点,线条感强一点,钻石镶嵌的方式突出一点。只需要自己决定,只想让自己高兴,快乐的方式是唯一。

The whole ring was handmade in 18K gold. The customer provided the diamond. - 戒指整体采用18K金,半露的50分钻石由客人自行提供。