• Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福
  • Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福

Mom's Best Wish - 妈妈最好的祝福

A private customized ring designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指。

Four exquisite gems taken off from a mom's old ring are commissioned to be redesigned into a ring for her daughter's 18th birthday. - 妈妈的旧戒指上取下四颗小宝石,要重新设计成一枚戒指,送给女儿18岁的生日礼物!

Four leaves stand for luck, happiness, health, and luck. Everyone hopes his or her trip to be filled with these nice things. - 四叶草,寓意幸运、幸福、健康、爱情,每个人的成长都希望满载了这些。

The daughter will soon be 18, a milestone into adulthood. The mother is willing to do anything to look after her baby girl. Mom's love is the best nourishment for a little girl to go from acorn to oak. - 女儿即将18岁,妈妈倾尽自己的一切陪伴她保护她照顾她,终于女儿将长大,妈妈的爱是最好的营养。

All 18K gold, handmade. The gems are provided by the client. - 全部18K金,手工制作。宝石由客人提供。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子