• Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆
  • Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆
  • Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆
  • Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆
  • Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆
  • Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆
  • Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆
  • Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆
  • Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆

Memories of Florence - 翡冷翠的回忆

This ring is a custom-designed piece by Aurumspeak Design Studio, created exclusively for a client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指。

The designer’s friend, a long-time supporter and loyal customer of Zhang Si Bi, once again wanted to design a unique ring for himself. - 设计师的好友,一直特别支持丈四笔的老客人,再次想要为自己设计一枚独一无二的戒指。

This ring is intended for a man, with seemingly simple lines, a distinctive architectural feel, and an unconventional setting style that contrasts with tradition, highlighting his strength and determination. - 这是男士佩戴的戒指,看似简单的线条,独特的建筑感气息,与传统背道而驰的镶嵌风格,突显其刚毅与坚定。

The mansions and churches in Florence (翡冷翠) are often adorned with a type of green-veined marble, decorating the city like a piece of jade. This ring evokes thoughts of the transparent beauty and the story behind it. - 翡冷翠的官邸和教堂会专用一种绿纹的大理石,将城市点缀的如同一粒翡翠。而这枚戒指,会让人不禁想往这通透的背后是怎样一个故事。

The ring is handcrafted from 18K gold, with the jade provided by the client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。翡翠由客人提供。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子