Love You Above All Others - 爱你至上
A pair of private customized couple rings designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款对戒。
Our client commissioned a pair of rings made with two emeralds of his own to serve as their wedding rings and witness the amazing moment. - 客人有两枚翡翠,要制作成一对戒指,作为他们的婚戒,见证最美好的时刻。
The two pieces are pretty much similar yet slightly different, which are just like the two people in the marriage, maintaining independence and their respective core values, and, in the meantime, approaching compromise and concession for the sake of love. - 那么相似又略有不同,正如婚姻中的两个人,保持着独立与个性,又为了爱彼此体谅妥协。
The overlapping names of the couple are closely intertwined. The name of the other half clings to the skin of the finger. They love each other above all others. - 两个人的名字,重叠而密不可分,对方的名字紧紧贴着手指的皮肤,爱情中,互为彼此的至高无上。
The Morse code shows the date of their exclusive anniversary, the most memorable day to be remembered forever. - 摩尔斯密码是专属他们的纪念日,被永远记住的日子,承载的也是最难忘的回忆。
The rings feature two kinds of gold and are handmade. The emeralds are provided by the client. - 对戒采用双金设计,手工制作。翡翠由客人提供。
Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子