Love Stays Forever - 爱,一直都在
A private customized necklace specially designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。
Though it may appear simple at first glance, the unique button holds a deeply personal significance for the client who commissioned a bespoke necklace. - 看起来非常普通的一枚扣子,她要做成一条项链送给自己,镶嵌的线条就用一段心跳的记忆来体现。
The button that once adorned her late grandmother's attire now finds a new purpose alongside the ECG paper that captured some moments of her grandmother’s life. The inlaid lines of the pendant depict the rhythm of a heartbeat, evoking a sense of the everlasting love she holds for the one she cherishes. - 扣子是姥姥生前的衣服上取下来的,心电图纸也是姥姥生命的一段记录,陪伴她成长的慈爱的姥姥,不久前离开了人世。
The passing of life may take away loved ones but memories stay forever. The lady's fond recollections of her grandmother who played such an integral role in her upbringing will continue to shape her life. - 爱,不会因为生命的消逝而褪色,所有记忆还在,爱就会一直延续,充斥在她此后的人生里。
All 18K gold. Handmade. The button and the ECG paper are provided by the client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。扣子和心电图纸由客人提供。
Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子