• Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续
  • Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续
  • Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续
  • Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续
  • Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续
  • Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续
  • Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续
  • Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续
  • Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续

Love, Life, and Legacy - 爱,生命,延续

A pair of private customized couple rings designed by the AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio for the customer. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款对戒。

The innocent first love in junior high school was destined for a lifetime. That love is as beautiful and pure as you can imagine. - 初中时懵懂的初恋,注定了一生的相伴。最美好纯洁的爱情,不过如此。

After graduating from college, they got married and had a baby. Everything was just so perfect. However, the girl later discovered that she was terminally ill. - 大学毕业,结婚生子,一切都那么完美。只是,女孩儿后来发现自己得了绝症。

They therefore had a makeup wedding and put on this belated pair of wedding rings. They'd be there for each other for all of their days. - 补办一场婚礼,戴上这一对迟来的婚戒。有生之年给彼此最好的陪伴。

One day, maybe the girl's ring will be made into a necklace and left to her son as a legacy of this life-destined love. - 某一天,也许女孩儿的戒指会做成项链,留给自己的儿子,延续这段用生命注定的爱情。

We sincerely hope that she can recover soon. We hope that decades later, your life could be peaceful and the love be passed on. - 我们衷心希望,她可以早日康复。数十年后,岁月静好,再将这份爱情传承。

All 24K gold, handmade. - 全部24K金,手工制作。

Design by:@Fengjia - Design by:@冯大佳子