• Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年
  • Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年
  • Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年
  • Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年
  • Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年
  • Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年
  • Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年
  • Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年
  • Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年

Looking Forward to The Next 30 Years - 期待下一个30年

A private customized necklace specially designed by the AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

30 years ago, the mother gave her newborn baby girl a jadeite Buddha pendant, hoping that her daughter would grow up safely and healthily. - 30年前,妈妈送给刚出生的女儿一个玉佛坠,希望女儿平安健康的成长。

Now the daughter is 30 years old. For her mother's 60th birthday this year, the girl wanted to have the Buddha pendant reset into a necklace and give it to her mother as a gift, wishing her mother a well, healthy and happy life. - 现在女儿30岁了,今年是妈妈的60岁生日,女儿要把玉佛坠重新设计成一条项链送给妈妈,愿妈妈身体健康、平安幸福。

One sexagenary cycle, sixty years for one cycle. Only the continuation of love and life remains timeless through the vicissitudes of life. - 一个甲子,一场轮回。岁月变迁,唯有爱与生命的延续,从无休止。

Looking forward to the next 30 years, just imagine how beautiful the picture is: 60-year-old daughter and her 90-year-old mother. - 期待下一个30年,60岁的女儿与90岁的妈妈,多美的画面。

All 18K gold, handmade. The jadeite Buddha pendant is provided by the client. - 全部18K金,手工制作。玉佛坠由客人提供。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子

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