• Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合
  • Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合

Incorporated Harmony - 融入而合

A bespoke set of bracelets specially designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款手链一对。

While coordinated jewelry often signifies romantic partnerships, these bracelets celebrate the profound bond between two best friends. - 成对的首饰并不仅限于情侣佩戴,同性密友也可以拥有专属他们/她们的彰显彼此深厚情谊的饰品。

These unique pieces serve as lasting symbols of the duo's incredible bond. - 这是一对象征着闺蜜间非常要好的感情的手链,设计师选择了用魔方来体现这种无微不至的情谊。

The Rubik's Cube design embodies the duo's deep connection, with its limitless twisting and turning mirroring their unwavering respect and support for one another. Moreover, the separated puzzle pieces can be worn by each friend, showcasing their individuality and unique talents in a customized and meaningful way. - 魔方可以上下左右前后的转动,示意着无时无刻对彼此的包容。将魔方拆解后,两个人分别佩戴不同的部分,在各自的领域里呈现独立。

Balancing sharp and edgy elements with soft and feminine touches, this distinct bracelet set truly reflects the beauty of true friendship. - 魔方方形的棱角与女孩儿的柔美气质体现的碰撞,充满个性。

All 18K gold, handmade. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子