• Imprint of Life - 生之印
  • Imprint of Life - 生之印
  • Imprint of Life - 生之印
  • Imprint of Life - 生之印
  • Imprint of Life - 生之印
  • Imprint of Life - 生之印

Imprint of Life - 生之印

A necklace specially designed by the AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio for the customer. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

The gift from the father to the mother on their baby’s first birthday is a necklace made from the imprints of the hand and foot of the baby at birth. - 孩子一岁生日时,爸爸送给妈妈的礼物,用孩子出生时的手脚印记做成的项链。

The incorporated initials of the parents' surnames witness the arrival of the baby that elevates the love of two to the happiness of three. - 融入了父母姓氏的首字母,两个人的爱情因为孩子的来临升华为三个人的幸福。

With the imprint of a lifetime, we are each other's family from now on. - 伴随一生的印记,从此我们是彼此的家人。

The pendant is 24K gold, with 18K gold AurumSpeak chain. Handmade. - 吊坠24K金,搭配丈四笔18K金素链,手工制作。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子