• I will be there to keep you safe and sound. - 你的平安,我来守护 - aurumspeak
  • I will be there to keep you safe and sound. - 你的平安,我来守护 - aurumspeak
  • I will be there to keep you safe and sound. - 你的平安,我来守护 - aurumspeak
  • I will be there to keep you safe and sound. - 你的平安,我来守护 - aurumspeak
  • I will be there to keep you safe and sound. - 你的平安,我来守护 - aurumspeak
  • I will be there to keep you safe and sound. - 你的平安,我来守护 - aurumspeak
  • I will be there to keep you safe and sound. - 你的平安,我来守护 - aurumspeak

I will be there to keep you safe and sound. - 你的平安,我来守护

Authorized and supervised by the Lama Temple, exclusively sold by China Construction Bank and designed by Jia Feng, the only designer of the Aurum Speak, the "God of Roads Octagram Prayer Bead" is now available in Beijing, Guangdong, Yunnan, Shandong, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and Jiangsu branches of CCB. - 由雍和宫授权监制,中国建设银行独家发售,丈四笔唯一设计师冯佳设计,“路神八方平安珠”目前已在中国建行北京、广东、云南、山东、河北、陕西、山西、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、江苏分行开始发售。

The prayer bead comes in two sizes. Welcome to step in CCB to experience them first hand. - 平安珠有大小两款,大家可前往建行亲自感受一下。

The "Universe Auspicious Bead" for the "Bao Yun House" of the Palace Museum is also designed by Jia, the only designer of the Aurum Speak. It will be launched at China Construction Bank by the end of this year or early next year. Stay tuned. - 故宫博物院“宝蕴楼”之“乾坤吉祥珠”,亦由丈四笔唯一设计师佳设计,将在今年底-明年初于中国建行首发,敬请关注。

Thanks for all the support and encouragement. Thank our designer @冯大佳子 for such a wonderful design. The Aurum Speak will continue to win glory for our country. - 感谢所有的支持和鼓励,感谢我们的设计师@冯大佳子 如此美妙的设计,丈四笔继续为国争光。