• Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐
  • Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐
  • Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐
  • Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐
  • Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐
  • Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐
  • Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐
  • Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐
  • Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐

Happiness, Prosperity, and Joy - 福禄喜乐

This pendant is a custom-designed piece by Aurumspeak Design Studio, created exclusively for a client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款吊坠。

This gift is something the client is giving to himself, symbolizing hopes for greater career success, a happy and harmonious family, healthy parents, and joyful children growing up. - 这是一位客人送给自己的礼物,希望事业更加有成,家庭幸福美满,父母身体健康,孩子们快乐的成长。

The Pi Xiu, a mythical creature in Chinese history and legend, is known for warding off evil and bringing wealth. For an adult male bearing the responsibilities of a family, it represents a beautiful wish. - 貔貅,作为中国历史传说中辟邪化煞的神兽,又有招财进宝的吉祥寓意,对于一个肩负家庭重担的成年男性来说,是美好的愿望寄托。

Parental love is great and selfless, and gold perfectly embodies such purity. Fighting fearlessly and bravely for the ones we love is a powerful expression of that love. - 父母的爱伟大而无私,而黄金最能够完美的诠释这样的纯粹。为爱的人可以不顾一切的打拼,勇敢无畏。

Made entirely of 24K gold, handcrafted. - 全部24K黄金,手工制作。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子