Growing Up in Carefree Days - 成长没有烦恼
A private customized necklace specially designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。
The mother wanted to have a necklace designed with one of her son's baby teeth as a birthday present for the boy this year. - 儿子的一颗牙齿,妈妈要做成一条项链送给他,今年的生日礼物。
Life is a paradise for the boy who will be growing up as a very carefree, happy kid with his parent's affectionate love. - 幸福的孩子,成长中没有烦恼,满满的父母之爱,生活即天堂。
This birthday gift, his own baby tooth, will witness his growth and be with his side throughout the life. - 这样一件生日礼物,他自己的牙齿,见证他的成长,陪伴他一生。
The pendant features two kinds of gold and is handmade. - 吊坠采用双金设计,手工制作。
Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子
September 2021 Works - 2021年9月作品