• Grass Ring - 草戒指
  • Grass Ring - 草戒指
  • Grass Ring - 草戒指
  • Grass Ring - 草戒指
  • Grass Ring - 草戒指
  • Grass Ring - 草戒指
  • Grass Ring - 草戒指
  • Grass Ring - 草戒指
  • Grass Ring - 草戒指

Grass Ring - 草戒指

A pair of private customized couple rings designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室特别单独设计的私人定制款对戒。

Once upon a time, a man who was crazy in love braided a ring from grass. Now the ring is replicated with yellow gold. - 曾经有这样一个感情的疯子,用草织了这戒指。又用黄金复制呈现。

The most well-known precious metal epitomizes the one and only love, the true authentic self, and the life that needs everything but to be judged. - 最珍贵的金属,最特别的情感,最真实的自己,最不需要别人指手画脚的人生。

All 24K gold, handmade. - 全部24K金,手工制作。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子