• Golden Stone Intent - 金石心意
  • Golden Stone Intent - 金石心意
  • Golden Stone Intent - 金石心意
  • Golden Stone Intent - 金石心意
  • Golden Stone Intent - 金石心意
  • Golden Stone Intent - 金石心意

Golden Stone Intent - 金石心意

This ring is a custom-designed piece by Aurumspeak Design Studio, created exclusively for a client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指。

The client had an old opal ring and wanted to redesign it into a unique piece to gift to an elderly friend. - 客人一枚旧的欧泊戒指,想要重新设计改造成一枚独一无二的戒指,送给一位年长的朋友。

The client is very familiar with the designer, who fully understands his thoughts and intentions, leading to the creation of this uniquely shaped ring. - 这位客人与设计师非常相熟,设计师完全可以理解他的想法和心意,于是有了这样一枚造型独特的戒指。

The overall lines closely follow the contours of the original stone, completely diverging from traditional setting methods. The novel and brilliant structure complements the calm and transparent color of the opal itself. - 整体线条紧密贴合原石,完全与传统的镶嵌方式背道而驰,新奇闪耀的结构与欧泊本身沉稳通透的色泽交相辉映。

The hollow design of the ring band adds a finishing touch, ensuring it feels light rather than heavy. The soft lines make it comfortable for his friend to wear, proving that fashion transcends age. - 指圈本身的镂空设计更是锦上添花,毫无沉重之感,柔和的线条可以让他的朋友佩戴起来非常舒适,时尚与年龄无关。

The ring is handcrafted from 18K gold, with the opal provided by the client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。欧泊由客人提供。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子