• Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马
  • Flying Horse - 飞翔的马

Flying Horse - 飞翔的马

A private customized ring and earring studs designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio for the Guest. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指、耳钉。

An independent and free woman who can get everything under control is running in the wilderness of her life without any fetters. - 一位独立自由的女性,奔放在自己人生的旷野,掌控一切,没有羁绊和束缚。

It’s a sky that’s entirely of her own, and she is a winged flying horse, galloping endlessly and flying freely. - 属于她的天空,她是一匹张开翅膀的飞马,驰骋在无边无际,自由自在的翱翔。

Such a ring and pair of earring studs specially designed for her are just like her life, standing gracefully out from the crowd. - 为她专门设计的这样一枚戒指和一对耳钉,特立独行与众不同,正如她的人生。

It is about how openwork lines combine with sparkling metals into something having its own particular style. Asymmetry in the styling of earring studs with unusual combinations hidden in the ear is just like how free life should be. - 金属感镂空线条,浑然一体又各有千秋。两只耳钉更是采用了不对称的风格,人生就该无拘无束。

All 18K gold, handmade. - 全部18K金,手工制作。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子