• Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀
  • Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀

Elevated Brilliance - 耸入云端的闪耀

The AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio unveils an exclusively tailored ring, reaching for the skies, meticulously crafted for a cherished client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指。

A dear friend of our designer, inherited her mother's diamond ring, but its style didn't quite align with her unique tastes. Enter our designer, who transformed this precious heirloom into a brand-new work of art. - 她是设计师多年的好朋友,妈妈把自己的钻戒给了她,可是款式并不适合,于是我们的设计师为她改造成了一枚新的戒指。

She radiates an air of effortless confidence, a true individualist in every sense of the word. Our designer, intimately acquainted with her personality, recognized her as a woman with sharp edges. - 她很cool,非常特立独行,生活上从不依赖别人。设计师很了解她的个性,她是一个适合棱角的女孩儿。

The ring's design eschews all soft curves, save for the band's gentle contour, in favor of clean, angular lines. - 于是,戒指的设计上取消了所有圆润的功能,除了指圈的形状,其他都是棱角感的线条。

Diamond settings were chosen to maximize their luminosity, with increased transparency yielding heightened refraction. The central hollow design elevates the entire diamond, resembling the pinnacle of a skyscraper, capturing every ray of sunlight and scattering its radiant brilliance. - 钻石镶嵌需要最大程度体现其光泽,透的越多反光也越多。中间镂空的设计,将整个钻石架立起来,形状就像是摩天大楼的楼顶,吸收所有的阳光,散发所有的折射。

This ring, with its intricate three-dimensional bridge-like design, is a reflection of her personality – free-spirited and unburdened. It mirrors her life, filled with boundless beauty and endless possibilities. - 立体桥梁式设计的这枚戒指完全烘托了她的个性,自由而洒脱。一如她充满无限美好无限可能的人生。

All 18K yellow gold. Handmade. The diamond is provided by our client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。钻石由客人提供。

Design by: @fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子