• Double 9 - 小九九 - aurumspeak
  • Double 9 - 小九九 - aurumspeak
  • Double 9 - 小九九 - aurumspeak
  • Double 9 - 小九九 - aurumspeak
  • Double 9 - 小九九 - aurumspeak
  • Double 9 - 小九九 - aurumspeak
  • Double 9 - 小九九 - aurumspeak

Double 9 - 小九九


This necklace is a customized special order for clients, made by AurumSpeak. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

After 13 years of back and forth,they finally understood how important it is to appreciate each other. The one in front of you is not yet perfect, but the best for you. He gave her a nickname. It is their secret. The necklace is made of the 24K gold chain with two layers. Life is as such, reunion can be life-changing. Different design of the hollow but new as one. - 13年的分分合合,终于明白最重要的是彼此,珍惜眼前人,陪伴这一生。他给她的名字,永不会忘记的专属两人的秘密。24K金吊坠,两层不同的效果,人生重逢亦是如此。不同的镂空效果,全新的爱。手工制作。