• Gem-free The Square shape Small Ring - 无宝石系列正方形小戒指 - aurumspeak
  • Gem-free The Square shape Small Ring - 无宝石系列正方形小戒指 - aurumspeak
  • Gem-free The Square shape Small Ring - 无宝石系列正方形小戒指 - aurumspeak
  • Gem-free The Square shape Small Ring - 无宝石系列正方形小戒指 - aurumspeak

Gem-free The Square shape Small Ring - 无宝石系列正方形小戒指

Regular price $598.27
Small Ring: The side length of the square head is approx. 8mm. - 小戒指: 正方形边长约8mm
The ring shank is approx. 2.7mm wide and 2mm thick. - 指圈宽约2.7mm,指圈厚约2mm
All 18K gold. - 全部18K黄金。

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