• Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福
  • Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福
  • Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福
  • Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福
  • Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福
  • Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福
  • Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福
  • Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福
  • Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福

Spinning Happiness - 旋转的幸福

A pair of private customized couple rings designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款对戒。

12 angles, swiveling, bring a burst of bliss glamour to the happy couple. - 旋旋转转,12个角度,闪亮着幸福的光,照耀着幸福的两个人。

The two-tone look makes its mark with two types of gold, adapting well to the finger. Your tenderness is my solid guardian. Your sensibility protects my persistence. - 双金打造的指圈,内外不同的包裹。你的柔软,我坚定的守护。你的细腻,呵护我的执着。

The Morse Code whispers our exclusive secrets in an understated way. I'm yours and you're mine, all rights reserved. - 摩尔斯密码,低调诉说着我们专属的秘密。我们是彼此的唯一。

Each band is handmade in two-tone gold. - 全部双金结构,手工制作。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子