• Cool Secret - aurumspeak
  • Cool Secret - aurumspeak
  • Cool Secret - aurumspeak
  • Cool Secret - aurumspeak
  • Cool Secret - aurumspeak
  • Cool Secret - aurumspeak
  • Cool Secret - aurumspeak
  • Cool Secret - aurumspeak

Cool Secret - 静谧

The Aurumspeak design studio designed this privately customized necklace for the customer individually. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

The mysterious black diamond works with secretive Morse Code, representing the secret kept quietly. Having a conversation with self, be the best listener of one's own. The black diamond is transparent as the child's eye, witnessing all that happened, in silence. - 神秘的黑钻与更为神秘的摩尔斯密码的结合,不与何人说的秘密。与自己谈话,对自己倾诉,做自己最好的倾听者。黑钻如瞳孔般透明,静静看着这发生的一切,不打扰。

The whole necklace was handmade in 18K gold. The black diamond was selected by the Aurumspeak studio. - 全部18K金,手工制作。黑钻亦由丈四笔提供。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子

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