• As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲
  • As You Wish - 随心所欲

As You Wish - 随心所欲

Aurumspeak Design Studio custom-designed necklace for a client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

A respected elder, a friend who is like a mentor and a father, has cared for Four Pen for many years. This time, he wanted to use one of his own teeth to create a unique necklace. - 一位德高望重的前辈,一个如师如父的朋友,多年来一直对丈四笔关爱有加。这次,他要用一颗自己的牙齿订做一条独一无二的项链。

Having achieved success and fame, material possessions are now superfluous; only simplicity and authenticity can match the accumulation of decades of experience and wisdom. - 功成名就,身外之物都已是多余的点缀,唯有简单与真实方能与数十年的沉淀与累积相匹配。

This necklace may appear ordinary, but it profoundly embodies the essence of following form, spontaneity, and being true to oneself. The brilliance and harmony of gold pay tribute to his glorious past and splendid life. - 这条项链看似平常,却深深体现了随形、随意、随心的底蕴,黄金的闪亮与契合,致敬他曾经的光辉岁月与灿烂的人生。

We sincerely wish that he remains the protagonist of his life, living freely and comfortably, in good health. - 真心祝愿他永远是生活的主角,随心所欲,逍遥自在,身体安康。

The necklace is entirely handmade using 18K gold. The client provided the tooth. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。牙齿由客人提供。